Neck osteochondrosis is a pathology whose symptoms negatively affect a person's quality of life. Timely treatment of the disease will not lead to destruction of the vertebrae and spinal stenosis.
What is osteochondrosis of the cervical spine
Cervical osteochondrosis is a metabolic disorder of the human axial skeleton. The painful process involves the vertebral discs (responsible for mobility), as well as the nervous and vascular systems.
Why is osteochondrosis of the neck dangerous?
The cervical vertebrae are the smallest of all 34 vertebrae in the human axial skeleton.They perform the most mobile function of the body - rotating the neck with the head. There is a minimal change in the structure of the articular body, arch or processes of the vertebrae, and displacement occurs, which leads to rupture of the neurovascular system and spinal stenosis.
Causes of the development of cervical osteochondrosis
Cervical osteochondrosis is a pathology of the spine that has the following causes:
- physical inactivity;
- unbalanced diet;
- increased formation of uric acid salts;
- metabolic disorder;
- psycho-emotional stress;
- sedentary work (driver, computer typing operator);
- consequences of acute respiratory infections, ARVI;
- overweight;
- damage to the axial skeleton;
- spinal hypothermia;
- endocrine disorders;
- neck load;
- distorted body position during night rest;
- autoimmune diseases.
Stages of development of osteochondrosis
The course of the pathological process in the cervical spine is accompanied by changes that must be divided into 4 stages:
- Stage #1.At the beginning of the development of osteochondrosis of the neck, the manifestations are mild. A person may not attach much importance to small painful changes that occur in nature. At this stage, the elasticity of the cartilage is not lost, but the changes are just beginning.
- Step #2.This stage of the disease is characterized by damage to the cartilaginous tissue of the vertebrae. The process gradually moves to the body's joints, muscles and vascular system. The pain appears due to compressed nerves, to which the arms, shoulders and subscapular region (on the affected side) react. Which can often be confused with other pathologies in the body at this stage of the disease.
- Step #3.This phase of the pathological process is characterized by the destruction of the disc without rupture of the annulus, which should be called protrusion.
- Step #4.At this stage, surgery is inevitable - the process goes very far: a disc compressing the spinal canal is displaced - a herniated disc. Manifestations in the form of 2 mm displacement threaten human life.
Cervical osteochondrosis (symptoms and treatment do not depend on sex) affects men and women equally. The manifestations of the disease will correspond to the stage of the pathological process.
Stage No. 1 – this stage does not manifest with severe symptoms:
- neck pain;
- paresthesia on the side of the lesion (numbness in the hand);
- fatigue;
- prostration.
Stage nº 2 – the nature of the pathology becomes more noticeable to the patient:
- pain in the affected area of a painful nature;
- numbness (passage) in the cervical collar region;
- migraine (due to vasospasm);
- hypertension;
- decreased physical activity;
- prostration;
- pain in the back, shoulder blade and arm (arising from the pathological process);
- chest pain.
Stage No. 3 is characterized by the manifestation of symptoms that must be treated very seriously:
- the appearance of protrusions (protrusion of the fibrous ring into the spinal canal);
- intense painful sensations radiating to the shoulder, arm;
- neck numbness.
Stage No. 4 differs from the third by ring rupture with its inherent symptoms:
- the neck is bent;
- neck muscles lose their ability to hold the head;
- paresthesia of the muscles of the neck and head;
- intense pain in the arms and neck region;
- tongue numbness;
- insomnia.
In the fourth stage, the neurologist recommends surgical intervention.
Syndromes caused by osteochondrosis of the cervical spine
The pathological course of osteochondrosis in the neck of the human axial skeleton should be divided into syndromes - based on a set of symptoms with characteristic signs.
Cervicovestibular complex:
- hearing is impaired;
- the vertebral artery undergoes pathological changes.
Radicular-vertebral syndrome:
- C2– pain in the back of the neck, weakening of the mylohyoid muscles;
- C3– hyperemia of the tongue, slurred speech, incomplete paralysis of the jaw muscles, numbness of the neck;
- C4– pain and weakening of the clavicle muscles, breathing problems, pain of unknown etiology in the hepatobiliary system, numbness in the cervical collar area;
- C5– the syndrome is manifested by numbness in the shoulder, weakness and decreased volume of the superficial shoulder muscles;
- C6 –the main manifestation of the pathology is pain from the neck to the shoulder, numbness of the thumb;
- C7– characterized by pain in the neck under the shoulder blade, numbness of the index and middle fingers (on the side of the injury);
- C8– the pain manifests itself from the neck to the elbow and little finger, paresthesia of the shoulder, shoulder blade and affected finger.
Reflex-irritative syndromes:
- painful:neck pain (morning); pain in the neck and occipital region; pain in the neck, causing a dull ache in the shoulder;
- muscle tonic:muscle tension; dull pain in the back of the neck; pain in the subscapular region; spasm of the cervical collar region; shoulder joint deformity; atrophy of the shoulder muscles.
- the consequence of mechanical damage is the narrowing of the arterial vessel;
- organic damage to brain activity;
- migraine;
- pain in the back of the head;
- neurological skin pain on the head;
- Hearing loss;
- gait instability;
- feeling of visibility of sea waves;
- fainting states.
Compressive myelopathy:
- pain and numbness in the limbs;
- sensitivity disorders;
- minor disorders of the pelvic organs;
- numbness of the face.
Craniovertebral anomaly:
- impressive;
- intracranial hypertension;
- disturbance of psycho-emotional balance;
- headache in the parietal and occipital regions;
- gag reflex;
- pallor of the optic nerve;
- dizziness;
- disturbance of oculomotor reflexes;
- asthenia;
- depressive state.
Cervical osteochondrosis - symptoms depend on the course and form of the disease. To begin therapy for a pathological process, it is necessary to make a correct diagnosis.
A neuropathologist and vertebrologist is involved in the diagnosis and treatment of spinal pathologies. To make a correct diagnosis, it is necessary to contact the aforementioned doctors and, during a face-to-face examination and interview, the specialist will conclude which tests should be carried out.
If necessary, you need to do:
- computed tomography of the neck;
- MRI of the damaged area;
- Vessel SCT;
- X-ray of the spine in different projections;
- visit an ophthalmologist to measure intraocular pressure;
- Doppler ultrasound of blood vessels;
- ENMG of hands;
- clinical blood test;
- Detailed ESR analysis.
Based on all examinations, the neuropathologist makes a diagnosis and prescribes therapy.
Treatment of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine
Today there are many methods and medications that help combat cervical spine pathology.

In non-advanced stages, systemic medications are used:
- antispasmodics;
- analgesics;
- NSAIDs – non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
- preparations containing collagen - for the restoration of cartilaginous tissue;
- vitamin therapy with group B drugs.
Local medicines:
- analgesic ointments;
- compresses that relieve inflammation;
- chondroprotectors;
- ointments with a warming effect.
Physiotherapeutic procedures:
- therapeutic and recreational massage of the cervical collar region;
- reflexology;
- exercise therapy;
- use of a special orthopedic cervical collar.
- for sensitivity disorders;
- with large stenosis of the spinal canal.
First aid for severe pain
Treatment of the symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis in the form of acute pain consists in following some first aid rules:
- compliance with absolute bed rest;
- use of antispasmodics and analgesics;
- fixing the neck with a special strap or collar;
- You should also wrap your neck with a warm scarf;
- for swelling, you must take a diuretic;
- external use of anesthetic ointments;
- use of muscle relaxants;
- use of sedatives.
All listed medications must be prescribed by a neurologist.
Drug treatment
Features of drug therapy include the use of anti-inflammatory drugs, antispasmodics, which help relax muscles, the use of drugs to improve blood circulation, as well as prescribing drugs that improve and restore the structure of cartilaginous tissue - chondroprotectors.
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are first aid in the treatment of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.Using this group of medications will help alleviate or completely alleviate pain. NSAIDs are medications that act on the origin of inflammation; using the medication can reduce the manifestations of the inflammatory process.
Nonsteroidal medications help improve blood circulation. NSAIDs should be used both for systemic treatment (tablets, injections) and for local therapy - ointments, gels.
Muscle relaxants
Medications that reduce skeletal muscle tone are called muscle relaxants. Medicines in this group should be used for cervical osteochondrosis due to their effect on muscle stiffness, which occurs as a result of a pathological process in the spine.
The disease affects nerve endings, which in turn manifest themselves in the form of pain and muscle spasms. This process is influenced by muscle relaxant medications, which relax the affected muscles and relieve pain.
Hormonal drugs
The most powerful drugs with analgesic, anti-inflammatory and vasostimulant effects include hormonal drugs from the corticosteroid group. Medicines of this type have the ability to prevent tissue destruction, reduce joint degenerative processes and improve microcirculation.
All drugs belonging to the group of steroid hormones are prescribed only by a neurologist and under strict monitoring of the patient's condition (due to the large number of adverse reactions).
Paravertebral block
Special local anesthesia through injections is called paravertebral block. A neuropathologist or anesthesiologist injects a special medicinal mixture into the affected area of the spine, more precisely into painful places near the affected part of the spine - at the exit of the nerve endings.
Using this method, severe pain is quickly relieved, hyperemia disappears and local metabolism improves.
In the treatment of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, not only systemic drugs in the form of tablets and injections should be used, but also local agents.Ointments are widely used for pathological processes in the spine.
For treatment, chondroprotectors, NSAIDs, herbal analgesics and ointments with a warming effect should be used.
Systemic drugs that restore cartilage tissue are called chondroprotectors. Taking medications stimulates the regeneration of the cartilaginous apparatus in the joints.
Homeopathic remedies
One type of treatment for cervical osteochondrosis is alternative medicine or homeopathy. The use of this type of medication has given good results.
Medicines for the treatment of dizziness in osteochondrosis
In the treatment of dizziness that occurs against the background of degenerative changes in the spine, it is necessary to use different types of medications. Each has its own action.
- Nootropics– improve microcirculation, calm the nervous system, improve the relationship between the hemispheres of the brain.
- Medicines for the treatment of vestibular disorders.They show their activity in dilating the blood vessels of the brain, thus improving blood circulation.
- Venotonics– are products that improve the tone of the vascular system and blood circulation.
Vitamins and minerals
Preparations based on vitamins and minerals help to restore cartilage tissue faster, improve muscle nutrition and blood circulation.
Shantz neck collar
Symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis during a pathological process in the spine can be acute. In this case, the Shants cervical collar must be used.

The bracket or retainer is shaped like a circle.Made of dense foam rubber, fixed to the neck with Velcro. No special skills are required to use a medical fixator. You should tuck the beard into the collar and secure it at the back.
The fixator relaxes the muscles of the cervical spine, relieves pain and tension. It is an integral part of first aid for exacerbation of cervical osteochondrosis.
Needle applicator
One of the methods of treating degenerative pathologies of the neck is the use of a needle applicator - a massager on which spikes are located. The board has a flexible structure and can take on different shapes.For use in neck pathologies, the applicator has fasteners.

There are many nerve endings in the skin that are affected by the applicator when used. This treatment helps to restore metabolic processes in intervertebral discs, eliminates hyperemia and inflammation, and improves microcirculation. The use of a needle applicator has a positive effect in the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis.
Physiotherapy treatment should be used to treat inflammatory and degenerative changes in the neck.Using the method helps to improve metabolic processes and reduce pain.
The physiotherapeutic treatment method has an anti-inflammatory effect and also promotes tissue regeneration. For osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, it is necessary to use treatment with ultrasonic waves, magnetic therapy and treatment with small amounts of current (electrophoresis).
Manual therapy
Manual therapy is a massage in which the hands of a manual therapist work not with soft tissues, but with joints and ligaments. During manual massage sessions, a specialist helps restore spinal mobility and pain disappears.

Normal blood circulation is restored and swelling disappears.
Therapy should be carried out by a specialist who regularly practices this method of treatment. To obtain positive results in the form of pain reduction, several sessions are sometimes enough.
Acupuncture refers to non-traditional methods of treatment.But the use of special needles, which are screwed into the body by a reflexologist, influencing certain nerve endings and areas, leads to positive results. Acupuncture improves metabolic processes, relieves local swelling and improves blood circulation.
Exercise therapy for cervical osteochondrosis
The type of physiotherapy for cervical osteochondrosis differs from other types of exercises. The cervical vertebrae are the smallest, and even their minimal displacement into the spinal canal causes compression of the arteries that supply the brain, as well as compression of the spinal cord. Therefore, you should know that there should be no sudden movements during physiotherapy exercises.
Exercises for the cervical spine (those suffering from dizziness should remain seated):
- Basic position– standing, with your back straight and your face facing forward. It is necessary to carefully turn your head to the right (without tilting it back or forward) to shoulder height and fix your body. After a few seconds, return to the previous position. The same must be done with the other side. There shouldn't be any pain.
- Starting position– back straight, face facing forward. You should stretch gently, tilting your head, with your right ear resting on your shoulder. You need to imagine that your left ear is stretched upwards and try to do this. Stay in this position for a few seconds. Return to starting position. Do the exercise on the second side.
- While standing, you need to look at your legs face down and lower your torso– vertebra by vertebra – towards the floor. For those who have no training, you need to grab your knees, straighten your back parallel to the floor, with your face facing forward. This exercise works the entire spine, especially the neck. Stay longer. Relax with your head and torso down. Slowly, without rushing, so as not to cause dizziness, return to the original position, vertebra by vertebra.
- Stand or sit in a chair with your back straight.Without bending your back, you should lower your chin to your chest and stretch the back of your head upwards - as if you were stretching your vertebrae. Hold the position for a few seconds and slowly, relaxing, straighten your neck.
- Rotational movement of the neck and head. Back straight, you can sit on a chair. Lower your head with your right ear resting on your shoulder and gently, slowly, from this position, make a semicircle across your chest, to the opposite (left) shoulder and back. Straighten up.

Gymnastics must be done every day. You cannot do physical therapy on an empty stomach - this can cause dizziness. You need to exercise an hour after eating.
Treatment with folk remedies
The use of traditional methods for cervical osteochondrosis does not always lead to the desired result - it is not possible to heat the neck (only dry heat). Therefore, there are not many effective methods, but they do exist.
Folk remedies:
- Tea made from a healthy herb (yarrow).You should take some dry medicine, put it in a mug and pour boiling water over it. Infuse like tea and drink after meals. It relieves inflammation well and calms the nervous system.
- Medicinal drink made from burdock.Take a small amount of dry herb, pour it into a 500 ml thermos and pour boiling water over it. To insist. The resulting volume of the medicinal drink must be drunk one day, without leaving it until the next day. You need to drink it between meals. It has an analgesic effect.
- Compress made from plants.You should take the same amount of chamomile, sage, tussilago - the herbs must be dried and ground. Pour boiling water over it. To insist. Soak a cotton cloth with the resulting solution and apply it to the sore spot on the neck. Cover with film and wrap with a scarf. Leave overnight. Helps relieve inflammation.
- Apple vinegar.It is a very healthy natural liquid, obtained through a microbiological process from apples. Contains a huge amount of useful substances. You must dilute the same amount of vinegar with water. Soak the gauze with the resulting liquid and apply it to the cervical spine, covering with polyethylene and a scarf overnight. Helps restore cartilage tissue and relieve inflammation.
For general strengthening and filling the body with useful substances, you should drink apple medicine. It is necessary to add 10 g to water and drink it before meals.
Therapeutic massage and self-massage
Massage for diseases of the cervical spine should be done only when there is no active inflammatory process - this is an additional effective method for treating osteochondrosis. Massage can be therapeutic, which must be done by a specialist massage therapist, or self-massage, when the patient knows which exercises will not harm him, but will help him.
During the therapeutic massage, the hands of a massage therapist are used, who works the cervical collar region with gentle, massaging and caressing movements.Neurologists call neck massage "erotic" massage, due to the very gentle specificity of movements.
Strong and assertive techniques should not be allowed - this can harm the vertebrae and blood vessels. If necessary, if the upper limbs are involved in the pathological process, you should rub your hands. Movements should be directed from the fingertips upward - to the shoulders and neck. Each side takes turns.
Self-massage includes light movements, stroking and lightly rubbing the neck area.
You cannot twist your neck or try to break it - these techniques can lead to displacement of the vertebrae and compression of arteries and veins. The purpose of self-massage and massage therapy is to maximize the relaxation of spasmodic tissues and improve blood circulation.
Surgical intervention is prescribed only if conservative therapy has not led to positive results and the process of vertebral destruction continues to progress.
The most commonly used surgical therapy method is the anterior approach method (the operation is performed on the front of the neck). Neurosurgeons rarely use the posterior method of surgical intervention - only when it is necessary to increase the lumen of the narrowed spinal canal.
Nutritional characteristics
The basic principles of nutrition for osteochondrosis include a balanced diet with limitation of foods harmful to this disease.You need to eat five times a day, in small portions.
The diet should include low-fat protein foods, unrefined cereals, vegetables (non-acidic), fruits, lactic acid products, preferably not made from cow's milk. The intervals between meals should not be more than 3 hours.
All types of canned foods, alcohol, spices, refined fats and pork should be excluded. Store-bought semi-finished products, as well as all sausages - these foods disrupt metabolic processes and contribute to inflammatory and degenerative changes in the musculo-articular system.
What is not recommended to do
Cervical osteochondrosis is a disease that, with the wrong lifestyle, can progress greatly. There are certain rules, the implementation of which will reduce the likelihood of new destructive processes in the neck.
It's forbidden:
- consume large amounts of salt and salty foods;
- do weight lifting and aerobics;
- for the fair half, narrow and high-heeled shoes should be avoided;
- getting carried away with excess food, which will certainly lead to weight gain and disruption of metabolic processes;
- sleeping on a soft bed is unacceptable;
- provoke a crisis with sudden movements of the neck, even if it seems like this brings relief.
To prevent the development of cervical osteochondrosis, you must follow preventive measures:
- visit the steam room (with permission from a neurologist or if there is no hypertension);
- do therapeutic massage periodically;
- if the disease already exists and has been treated, undergo treatment on the recommendation of a neurologist;
- go for a swim;
- yoga gymnastics is the main type of therapeutic and preventive physical activity;
- Balanced diet;
- give up bad habits - alcohol and nicotine, which disrupt metabolic processes in the body.
The appearance of cervical osteochondrosis is easier to prevent than to treat. At the first symptoms of the disease, you should consult a neurologist to prescribe appropriate treatment. This will prevent the pathology from destroying the cervical vertebrae.