Cervical osteochondrosis in recent years has become one of the main health problems of mankind. A few decades ago, this disease was considered a destination for the elderly due to age-related changes in intervertebral cartilage. Now, osteochondrosis of the neck is increasingly diagnosed in very young people, even teenagers.

Who can have cervical osteochondrosis?
A computer and a TV set entered almost every home. Prolonged work and computer games, many hours watching television do not affect the cervical spine in the best way.
Those who spend a lot of time driving a car are also susceptible to this disease. Heavy physical work or, conversely, inactivity (physical inactivity), overweight and some diseases, for example, metabolism, can also cause the appearance of osteochondrosis of the neck.
How and why does this disease appear?
With cervical osteochondrosis, gradual destruction of intervertebral cartilage occurs. Because of this, there is a violation of the normal position of the vertebrae in relation to each other.
In addition, with a long course of the disease, the spinal vessels and nerves located in the bone channels of the cervical vertebrae are involved in the pathological process.
The main manifestations of osteochondrosis of the neck

For a long time, the disease may not manifest at all. Only occasionally can there be neck discomfort, recurring pain or crushing. As a rule, most patients at this stage do not go to the doctor.
Later, as the disease progresses, the disease appears in the cervical spine. Most of the time, osteochondrosis of the neck is manifested by the following symptoms:
- Ache. Pain occurs most often in the neck, sometimes in the collarbone, shoulder and upper limb. The pain may be accompanied by decreased sensitivity (feeling of numbness, "crawling" and so on).
- Cracks in any movement of the neck.
- Dizziness.
- Headaches. They generally do not respond to conventional pain relievers.
- Imbalance and other symptoms.
These and other manifestations of the disease make the patient still seek help from the neuropathologist. However, they already indicate an active degenerative process in the cervical spine.
How to prevent the development of osteochondrosis of the neck?
First of all, you must lead an active lifestyle. It is necessary to practice sports or at least exercise daily in the morning. A great role in disease prevention is attributed to the correct organization of work and rest regimes.
When working, which is associated with a long forced body position, you should take periodic breaks.
During these intervals, it is very useful to warm up the cervical muscles and self-massage the region. Choose the right mattress and pillow for your night's sleep.
What if the disease has already appeared?

In addition to following the doctor's recommendations for the treatment of neck osteochondrosis, several simple rules must be followed on a daily basis. Its observance will allow to minimize the frequency of exacerbation of the disease, as much as possible:
- Daily implementation of the recommended complex of physiotherapy exercises.
- During sedentary work, change your body position every 30-50 minutes, take breaks for neck gymnastics.
- If possible, limit the time to work on the computer, watch TV, and so on.
- Maintain the correct posture.
- Use orthopedic mattresses and pillows to sleep.
- The car must have rigid seats with an adjusted headrest and a comfortable reclining backrest.
- Try not to do heavy physical work, do not make sudden movements.
- If you need to lift something heavy, first sit down and then pick it up.
- Do not carry heavy bags on your shoulder. A backpack should be used to carry things.
- You must get rid of excess weight.
- Avoid hypothermia and drafts.
In case of acute neck pain, acute effects of heat (baths, saunas, etc. ) are contraindicated. Swimming is useful, especially on your back in an open pool or body of water.
Neck Gymnastics Complex
It is recommended that this or a similar set of exercises be performed regularly during breaks at work. And not only for patients with osteochondrosis of the neck, but also for the prevention of the disease. After all, these exercises can not only remove tension in the cervical muscles, but also significantly increase efficiency, concentration and improve memory status:
- Lowering the chin to the neck, slowly turn the head in both directions. Run five times in each direction.
- Raising your chin a little, turn your head in each direction. Repeat five times.
- Leaning your head to the right, try to reach the corresponding shoulder with your ear. Do the same for the opposite side. Repeat five times.
- The chin is straight, both hands pressed to the back of the neck. Press the back of your head into your hands, overcoming the resistance of your cervical muscles, for seven seconds. Repeat three more times.
- Press with your forehead on your immobile palms for seven seconds. Repeat three more times.
- Place your right palm on your right temple and press your head against it, tensioning your neck muscles for seven seconds. Do the same on the opposite side. Repeat three times.
- The head is straight. Try to tilt your head forward, overcoming the resistance of the tense cervical muscles. Repeat five times.
- Leaning your head back, try to pull your chin up. Repeat five times.
- Interlace your fingers and place them under your chin. Press them with your immobile hands, forcing your cervical muscles for seven seconds. Repeat three more times.
Breathe easily, evenly and calmly during exercise. Don't try too hard. If you experience the slightest signs of discomfort (pain or numbness, dizziness, etc. ), you should stop exercising and inform your doctor about it.
How to sleep well?

In a dream, we spend an average of a third of our lives. Therefore, it is important to insist on these nuances in more detail. The ideal is to purchase an orthopedic mattress and especially a pillow.
If this is not possible, here are some tips for choosing them:
- The mattress must be firm and resistant. In the acute phase of the disease, it is advisable to place an additional shield or wide plates under the mattress.
- The pillow should be small and moderately soft. You should only support your head and neck. The shoulders are off it. In case of worsening of the disease, a special roller or a small bag containing hot sand inside can be placed under the neck. If the patient shows signs of injury to the vertebral artery, a tall, rigid pillow should be used. The height of the pillow also depends on the width of the patient's shoulders. Patients with cervical osteochondrosis should not sleep completely without a pillow. This recommendation is only valid for disease prevention.
- The sleeping position for neck osteochondrosis should be chosen on the back or on the side. Sleeping on your stomach is highly undesirable. If this is not possible, a small flat pillow should be placed under the rib cage.
Modern methods of treatment
All methods of treating neck osteochondrosis aim to improve the anatomical functioning of the intervertebral discs and joints, as well as the ligaments and bone tissue of the vertebrae. Symptomatic treatment is used, which aims to reduce the severity of the manifestations of the disease.
Acute stage of cervical osteochondrosis

With the exacerbation of the disease, drug treatment is mainly used. Its main objective is to reduce the intensity of pain in the cervical spine.
In the presence of dizziness, headaches and other symptoms that indicate involvement of the vertebral arteries in the pathological process, appropriate corrective therapy is applied.
Treatment in remission
After the disappearance of acute manifestations, the main treatment for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine may be done. This should not be overlooked. In fact, it is precisely the careful implementation of the recommendations of the attending physician in this period that will reduce the frequency and intensity of exacerbations of the disease in the future. To do this, apply:
- Massage.
- Manual therapy.
- Physiotherapy.
- Reflexology.
- Physiotherapy and special gymnastics.
- Treatment with restorative drugs: drugs that improve the condition of the cartilage of the intervertebral discs (chondroprotectors); vitamin therapy.
Of course, the complex of therapeutic effects must be carried out under the supervision of a doctor.
Is it possible to get rid of osteochondrosis of the neck?
Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is a chronic disease that causes many problems for the patient. And, of course, we are all interested in the main question: how to get rid of cervical osteochondrosis?
Unfortunately, changes in intervertebral cartilage and other anatomical structures of the cervical spine are irreversible.
However, careful compliance with all medical recommendations and a complete lifestyle change will allow you to forget about neck pain for a long time, sometimes even forever.